Listed below are some, not all, of the roles and responsibilities of the Billing Clerk:
- Assistant to the Clerk-Treasurer.
- Prepares and keep records of lien letters, liens and lien releases filed with the County.
- Work with the Police Department on golf cart registration renewals, including writing/mailing letters.
- Call and/or email NIPSCO with streetlight outages.
- Billing and collection of sewer and trash fees.
- Attend and do minutes for Plan Commission and BZA meetings.
- Post information on the Town’s website, the Bulletin Board and on the Town Hall door.
- Work with the County GIS system and NIPSCO for address changes/corrections.
- Proofread.
- Work with Title companies for collection of final bill at closing of sale of property.
- Distribute paperwork and collect fees from contractors/property owners.