Listed below are some, not all, of the roles and responsibilities of the Zoning Administrator's Office:
- Support the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) in the execution of determining Appeals, Exceptions, Variances, Interpretations of Zoning and other duties as permitted by Indiana Code.
- Maintain complete records of all Board of Zoning (BZA) and Plan Commission (PC) meetings, hearings, correspondences, budgets, rules of procedure, memberships, term expirations, zoning map revisions, pending zone amendments and general affairs.
- Make administrative decisions based on the standards and procedures in the UDO.
- Review permit applications and issue or deny permits submitted to the Planning Department.
- Make administrative decisions based on the standards and procedures in the UDO.
- Serve as staff by setting agendas, conducting research, distributing meeting information and serving as secretary. Prepare and present a monthly report at the monthly Town Council meetings.
- Publish and make available to commissions, boards, and the public all plans, ordinances, meeting minutes and other related material that are the responsibility of the PC and BZA.
- Prepare and present PC and BZA recommendations to other commissions and boards (e.g. Town Council and other commissions as required).
- Process applications submitted to the Planning Department and BZA.
- Investigate alleged and discover UDO violations.
- Inspection of properties (i.e. verification by inspection alleged or known UDO violations).
- Ensure PC files are up to date and comprehensive on all alleged and known UDO violations.